Research and Opinion

Jasna Plevnik comments the Xi-Biden meeting for China Daily

Xi-Biden meeting has significant global impact


Published China Daily 17 November 2023


"The Xi-Biden meeting is an achievement in itself because after years of trade conflicts between the United States and China, the meeting sparks optimism about the possibility of cooperation between the two great powers.

China has never thought of a multipolar world order without the US in it, and its position at the meeting is guided by this approach. The US and China share many things in the global world, such as the UN SDGs. No one can change the US leadership but itself.

The meeting could have a sobering effect on the EU, which, since 2019, has made the US approach to China the basis of its foreign policy, which now includes protectionism, forming trade blocs, and global supply distraction. Such a policy is harmful to the interests of the EU's citizens.

Although the EU is seen as a leading practitioner and supporter of multilateralism and a multipolar world order, its US-style approach to China has put Brussels in a bizarre position where it is helping strengthen a unipolar world order.

In Europe, people feel the meeting between Biden and Xi will help to significantly improve relations between the EU and China, something Brussels is not able to do on its own. It is sad for the EU that its ties with China can be improved only after Sino-US relationship improves."

Jasna Plevnik, president of the Geoeconomic Forum Croatia


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