• Mesic slu Fotor

    Former President of Croatia Stjepan Mesić

  • haris silajxi Fotor

    Former  Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina Haris Silajdžić

  • Ivo new

    Former President of Croatia Ivo Josipović





Jasna promo

Jasna  Plevnik

Dr. Jasna Plevnik is the Founder and President of the Geoeconomic Forum Croatia.

Most of Jasna Plevnik's writings have appeared in the form of books, magazine or newspaper articles, and lectures.

She served as an adviser to the President of the Croatian Chamber of Economy Mladen Vedriš, former Deputy of the  Prime Minister of Croatia, and as a senior fellow at the Office of the President of the Croatian Chamber of Economy.

Jasna Plevnik was twice elected as an independent councilwoman in the City Council of Karlovac and the Assembly of Karlovac County. She worked as a journalist and an editor-in-chief at Jugoturbina Holding and was awarded the Medal for Outstanding Performance. Jasna Plevnik attended as a panelist numerous forums and conferences on economic globalisation, international relations, geopolitics, and China's global policy and was interviewed by the most influential media outlets in  China, Europe, and Croatia.

Jasna Plevnik has been a guest lecturer on Asia and geopolitics at the doctoral studies of the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo.

Selected Works

China’s Role in Modernization and Stabilization of the Contemporary Post-Cold War Order, in Henry Huiyao Wang and Mabel Lu Miao Editors, Enhancing Global Governance in a Fragmented World, Prospects, Issues, and the Role of China. (Springer; 2024th edition (21 June 2024) pp 173–190

China's capacity to consolidate economic globalization, in Linggui Wang ed China's Development and Community Building with a Shared Future for Humanity (Singapore, Springer,  2023), pp. 623–631

China's Belt and Road Initiative's Impact on Europe (USA: Prunus Press, 2022)

The BRI and Southeast Europe 6: Connectivity, Peace, Growth, and "Debt Trap Diplomacy", in Liu Zuokui, Branislav Đorđević eds.
The Connectivity Cooperation Between China and Europe, Multi-Dimensional Analysis ( London, Routledge, 2022), pp. 237 –254

"Digital Silk Road" and geopolitics in the framework of "One Belt One Road" initiative, “一带一路”倦议下载“下载丝绸美丽”与地缘沿沿, in Common Vision of the Digital World: Global Think Tanks Discuss Joint Construction of Community with Common the future in cyberspace, 下载下载下载关京昈景 全集智库论欤手电视网络电视的这些关二体 (1897The Commercial Press, Beijing, 2023)

Responses to the Concerns of the EU on 17+1 Cooperation: An Assessment of the China – CEEC Cooperation’s Effect on Southeast Europe Countries’ Relations with the EU, in Wu Baiyi, Liu Zuokui, Ju Weiwei. eds. The China-CEEC cooperation at the new stage: a multi-dimensional analysis ( Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2021), pp. 420 –448

The Belt and Road Initiative and its implications for Southeast Europe (Belgrade: CIRSD, 2016)

China in the Balkans, with Stjepan Mesić (Zagreb: Golden Marketing, 2013) The book is included in the Chinese Silk Road database of foreign authors.

 The Age of Economic Diplomacy,with Stjepan Mesić ,(Zagreb: Golden Marketing, 2011) 

The Price of a New World Order: Global Challenges to National Interests ( Zagreb: Golden Marketing, 2009)

Behind Globalization: Geoeconomics of International Relations (Zagreb: Golden Marketing, 2003)

Pas globalizimit(Prishtine: Universiteti Victory, 2003)


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kerim new Fotor

Srđan Kerim

Vice President of the Geoeconomic Forum. Professor Srdjan Kerim is an expert on international economics and foreign policy. He taught at universities in Belgrade, Hamburg, New York and Skopje. He is the author of 12 books from these areas, published in seven languages: Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian, English, Chinese, Russian and Albanian.

The most important diplomatic functions: the President of the UN General Assembly(the 62nd Session) Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of SFR Yugoslavia. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Macedonia. Special envoy of the Stability Pact for South East Europe. Special envoy of UN Secretary General for Climate Change.

Dr Kerim is an expert in  multilateral diplomacy. Was  in charge of multilateral affairs in the UN, G-77, Non-Aligned Movement activities and OSCE. He also took part in the negotiations with EU (then EC) on the Association Agreement between Yugoslavia and EU (1989–91).

In the business world: Vice President of Copechim France. Executive Director of Media Group WAZ for Southeast Europe. Special Adviser to Borda Ecolog International.

He speaks English, French, German and several Balkan languages.

Dr Kerim received the highest decorations from Germany, Austria, Italy, Albania, Malta and the United States.

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Lad young

Zvonko Ladešić

Vice President of the Geoeconomic Forum.

He is the author of several books, among them Knowledge and human capital - an imperative for the future.

As an entrepreneur, he has had a career at the European level. In Germany, he received numerous awards as a manager in the field of organization of international bus transport. About his business activities, was published a book the Secret of Business Success.

He completed his studies at the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, where he obtained the scientific degree of Master of Social Sciences in Economics. His doctoral dissertation analyzes the relationship between transport policies and transport companies from the perspective of transport policy theory and many years of managerial experience. His scientific interest has been focused on the geo-traffic importance of Croatia within the European Union, its connection with neighboring countries, and ways to improve Croatia's transport position.

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Mladen Vedriš

A  Professor of Economic policy at EFFECTUS – Entrepreneurial Studies – University College Zagreb. Vice-president of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, concerned with economy (1992-1993).Minister in the Government of the Republic of Croatia (1992). President of Executive Council City of Zagreb Assembly (1990-1993).

The owner of SONDER, a company dealing with consulting, strategic planning and representation of home and foreign companies.

President of the Croatian Chamber of Economy (1993-1995).Participated in projects with OECD, ILO, World Bank, UNESCO etc. Executive Program for Leaders in Development"(1999), Harvard, USA; "Risks and Benefits of Globalisation", a seminar in Washington, Friedrich-Neumann Stiftung and Bank of America (1999); "Global Business Global Institutions - Towards a Shared Value Base For the Institutions of the Global Economy" XIX Tällberg Workshop, Sweden (1999).

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drag tom

Tomislav Dragičević

Has PhD in Technical Sciences, the field of Chemical Engineering. He completed the course „Program on Investment Appraisal and Management“ as  postdoctoral study at Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts. Main fields of experience include coordination and management of complex research projects, preparation of strategic documents, restructuring projects, their implementation and management. Worked as Director of INA Research and Development  and President of INA Management Board, the largest Croatian oil and gas company for 9 years. Executed INA restructuring and successful IPO. Director and owner of ATDS Ltd, consulting company. Executive director of  jv company SOL –INA, a leader on technical gases market, for 8 years. Member of SOL Croatia Supervisory Bord. President of the Croatian National Committee,  member of World Petroleum Council (WPC). Member of numerous national and international professional organizations, the author of more than 50 professional and scientific articles. Author and co-author of 2 books on restructuring problems in oil and gas industry.


Vitomir Begović

Was a Head of The Institute for Occupational Safety Improvement. He finished  postgraduate studies on the subject: Education of Adults in Conditions of Economic Globalisation. One of the leading Croatian experts in relations among the government, employers and unions. Was the Executive Director of the Human Resources at  the Agrokor Group (2011 -2015).

Chief Secretary of SSSH-a, the largest Croatian Trade Union (1997-2000), Chief Secretary of the Industrial Democracy Centre (2000), Chairman of the Economic and Social Council Tripartite Body (2000 - 2001). Participated in many international seminars: Technical Training Program for the Societies in Transition, organized by AFL-CIO and USAID (1997); a training programme at George Meany Centre, Washington (1998); Experiences of Local Dialogue, a seminar held in Belgium (2002); Development of Institutions and National Social Dialogue, Stability Pact seminar held in Sarajevo (2003).

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Ljubo new

Ljubo Jurčić

Full professor at the Faculty of Economy in Zagreb. From July 2002 to December 2003, served as a minister of economy in the second Cabinet of Prime Minister Ivica Račan.Was  the member of Croatian Parliament in two mandates.

In Croatian parliamentary election 2007, Social Democratic Party nominated him as candidate for a Prime Minister. Was a member of the supervisory boards of Hrvatska brodogradnja - Jadranbrod, JANAF and Plinacro companies. Jurčić is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Zagreb Holding Company.

He is the President of the Croatian Economic Society since 2006. 
Published three books in co-authorship: China in the Balkans, International Trade thought History and the International Economics Handbook. Regularly writes columns on current political-economic topics.
He is the winner of the first five annual awards for the Economic Analyst of the year "Gorazd Nikić", „Privredni vjesnik“ by the choice of entrepreneurs.

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Danko new

Danko Plevnik

Renowned Croatian columnist and international relations analyst for Croatian and  regional media outlets. After specialist training in the USA, influenced by strategist Edward N. Luttwak, he was the first to promote the idea of geoeconomy in Croatia (1992).

Field of special interest: strategy of global political planning and security. Awards: Croatian Journalist of the Year, award by Slobodna Dalmacija (1991) and Croatian Journalist of the Year, award by the Croatian Journalist Association (1991 and 1992).Member of the Executive Board of the European Journalist Association (1999-2001). Ph.D. degree in the field of information science.Author: Information is Communication (1986), Towards the Civilization of Mobile Text (1988), The Sense of Bosnia (1997), New NATO and old Geopolitics (1999), The Chaos of Hegemony (2001), War and Piece for Croatia (2002).

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Radin new

Robin Radin

Radin  is a graduate of the University of Chicago, UC-Berkeley and Harvard Law School and also studied at Tokyo University  and Kyoto University..

He pursued opportunities linking law and his knowledge of Asia, as a head counsel for the North America of Marubeni, one of the largest Japanese general trading companies; and later as a managing director and  general counsel for Asia-Pacific at two of the largest global financial institutions, Morgan Stanley  and Credit Suisse-First Boston (’92-‘96), based in Tokyo and Hong Kong,

In 1996, Radin returned to academe, first as Visiting Research Scholar at Harvard’s Program on US-Japan Relations, at the invitation of Professor Ezra Vogel, to analyze the restructuring of Japan’s financial industry and regulatory system. Next, he returned to Harvard Law School, where he served as Associate Director of its Program on International Financial Systems (PIFS) from 1996 to 2003, teaching Japanese financial law and regulation. In that capacity, he founded and lead its renowned Japan-U.S. Financial Symposium (“The Symposium on Building the Financial System of the 21st Century: An Agenda for Japan and the U.S.”) now in its 22nd year.  The Symposium remains the leading bi-lateral annual forum of financial system leaders of those two countries and spawned the creation by PIFS of financial symposia that address financial relations between Europe-U.S., China-U.S., Latin-America-U.S., Russia-U.S., India-U.S. and other countries, at annual meetings.

Radin was (i) a founder and CEO of several companies and a founder and senior executive of a minerals distribution company (White Gold Mountain Partners LLC), an unprecedented business joint venture between private U.S. and North Korean interests that developed and carried on business during the years 1997 to 2002.

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